Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Work 6-1-11

What is setting? Take a look at this picture and then take a look on the internet for pictures from The Great Depression. How do these visual examples of the setting of OMAM make you feel about what George and Lennie were going through.

All the pictures show a giant struggle to get back on their feet, they look like they need food, shelter, hope.In the story of "Mice And Men" George and Lennie Want to buy their own farm to find their dreams , but through out the story the characters felt oppress but determine to get their American dream go forward. They went from place to place to find a job and to help themselves to a great life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Constitution Under Attack!!!

Two recent Supreme Court cases have served to virtually abolish the Fourth Amendment in the United States of America, with citizens no longer being “secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures! America is a nation in mourning as a result of the violent tragedy in Arizona last weekend.  This is an appropriate time for prayer and national healing.  This is not the time to restrict the Second Amendment rights of Americans to defend themselves from unbalanced individuals.

Work 5/18/11

1.What is a novella?
       Is a form of figurative language that is giving to the reader, the feeling of being present.

2. What was the Great Depression?
        when  the economy of the U.S and the rest of the world became frozen. It affected Germany as well and was one reason for Hitlers rise to power. The great depression affected many people around the world, People loss their home, family, money, and hope.

3. What were some of the causes of the Great Depression?
             The mishandle of monetary power of the federal reserve, the stock market, the powerful elite. The great dust storm was one of the main reason. The unfortunate drop of money in bank and loans.
4. What is a migrant worker?
            A worker who travels from place to place to find work.
5. Do migrant workers exist today? Where? What kinds of jobs do they have?
      Yes, Everywhere in the U.S now because the 2nd great depression is under way. People are doing everything to survive. They could do absolutely anything that would get them some money.and

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post 5/17/10

1. What was John Steinbeck’s relationship to the Salinas Valley?
Steinbeck was born and raised in Salinas Valley.
2. List five major facts about Steinbeck’s life.

  • John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California

  • His first novel was called Cup of Gold in 1929

  • Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men which became into a major play and 3 movies.

  • Steinbeck also wrote The Grapes of Wrath which became a major motion picture, but caused a lot of controversy.

  • John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940.

  • 3. What influenced Steinbeck to write the novella, Of Mice and Men?
    To show how some people struggle throughout their life. Also to read the story of someones life.

    4. What are the other major works written by Steinbeck?
    Cup of Gold (1929) The Pastures of Heaven (1932) The Red Pony (1933) To a God Unknown (1933) Tortilla Flat (1935)

    5. What is the Steinbeck Award?  Who are some of the recipients of the Steinbeck Award? What is the purpose of the award?
     A prize given to author who has mention the moral of the man.Bruce Sringteen,John Sayles. To show that these witters wrote good novels explaining the values of life.

    Tuesday, April 26, 2011

    Almost forgot.

    We have spent a great deal of time this year studying about how people have worked to make the world a better place. In your posts today please describe how (1) someone from our readings; (2) someone that you know personally; and (3) you have made an effort to "light up the darkness." You should have at least one paragraph for each!
    (1)A person who tried to make the world a better place was Chris MC Candle's. He made a journey to the wilderness to find him self. Along the way he wrote all his personal and social encounters of people he met in the way. But when people read his journal it details that he was trying to get away from the material world and  the objects that controlled society like money,material things.He actually shows every one that the way to be truly happy is when they are sharing it whit others.

    (2) Well i actually know a group of people who are trying to tell others about the things they eat like meat.(lol) the times when we hang out, i usually see them making posters and printing papers to warn people about meat and its origins. Its like they are activist against the meat industry , like I am an activist against the NWO and their plans. But that group of friends try to ligth up peoples mind to make them see how their food is being treated before it gets to their plate.

    (3) Well i personally try to inform people of the coming doom that is the financial down fall of the U.S. But at the same time to make them open their eyes to hard reality that the elite are control freaks and want to reduce the population to a controllable number.At the same time understanding other that have problems, tell them that they are not alone, there is more like him/her. The way i tell people about so many things that are happening in the world and the real problem everyone should be facing, this is how i "light up the darkness".

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    March 1 .. work...

    How did Don Haskins "think different?" Be specific! In what ways can YOU show the same type of courage that he did?

            Don Haskins did not see the basketball players as white, black , he just saw their skills and the way they could preform team work.He did not felt intiminated by the other people that hated him for letting African Americans play, threat after threat he never backed down , because he wanted his team to get to the top he would not nothing stop that.

          I would say that i could show that im not afraid of nothing that i love to do like speak my mind, freerun , inform other of world events. I pretty much dont care what other people say about me when i take action to prevent or to stop situations that could damage others or the community.Because reality is that people judge because they like to see the differences of others nwot themselfs.

    Friday, February 18, 2011


    Their credo is "Dont be evil", but they work with the goverment to spy on the avarage american!!!
    and they try to get rid of the internet , and replace it with the Internet 2 in the name of national security ... LIERS!!!!!!!!!