1.What is a novella?
Is a form of figurative language that is giving to the reader, the feeling of being present.
2. What was the Great Depression?
when the economy of the U.S and the rest of the world became frozen. It affected Germany as well and was one reason for Hitlers rise to power. The great depression affected many people around the world, People loss their home, family, money, and hope.
3. What were some of the causes of the Great Depression?
The mishandle of monetary power of the federal reserve, the stock market, the powerful elite. The great dust storm was one of the main reason. The unfortunate drop of money in bank and loans.
4. What is a migrant worker?
A worker who travels from place to place to find work.
5. Do migrant workers exist today? Where? What kinds of jobs do they have?
Yes, Everywhere in the U.S now because the 2nd great depression is under way. People are doing everything to survive. They could do absolutely anything that would get them some money.and
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