Please choose a person that we have read about this year who changed the world by thinking "different." Were they crazy, rebelious, troublemakers? How did they change things? What did they do to push the human race forward? How do you want to change the world? What do you need to do in order to accomplish that?{Extra Credit! Can you identify five people that were featured in this video clip?}
Many people who have ideas and the mentality to put those ideas forward to inchoet a new era of human migration. Not to other land or different places but to the britgh futere of prosperity, and equality. They do this not for fame,future or just to be in the spot ligth, they do this o that people can realize and think about the things that are occurring around the world in our community, country,continent. Chris Mc Candless was one of them he saw that people became dependent on objects except on each to succeed. He thoughth why to have things stay in places that just tell you what you are expected to be all to have a job , have a family and live.
But this is where he broke the chains and started to reconnect with actual human nature, to be free from any kind of trouble, and conflict that came knocking at the door. He isolated him self from anyone who would hold him back from his dream, to go to Alaska have his adventure and see the beutiful scene called Nature. while everywhere else people were letting their possetions own them , and get so attractred to the technology that blinds them. After his death and reporters investigators started to connect the pieces then, they relized that he left a message in his actions that said "Get out there and explore,insted of staying boxed in socety.
(MORE)- i i could change the world would be that people see them selfs as a part of the world. But they dont look them self as individuals and free people not as, sheep.